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We offer the following "Creo Elements/Direct Cabling or SpaceCable" support packages for addressing cabling and harnessing problems of users.

Our Support packages are modular and can be utilized at any stage of Cabling implementation

Cabling Pre-Sales "Web" Support package

Cabling Onsite Workshop

Cabling Post-Sales Support Package

Electrical Components Creation

Cabling Trainings


Cabling Pre-Sales "Web" Support package

This package is suited for existing customers and new prospects, which are interested to have Creo Elements/Direct Cabling, but don't have a deep knowledge about cabling and harnessing. 

As the knowledge of cabling and harnessing is a special area, there is very often a need for a professional detailed demo and subsequent close treatment for a product introduction.

Product Name: Cabling Pre-Sales "Web" Support package

Product Number: M385C

Price:  please contact us at

Support Duration: 90 days

Tools: Websessions with our Colloboration software + Telephone


Professional demonstrations of  "Cabling" product.

Status Analysis.

Flow of knowledge on the technological aspects of cabling, routing, ECAD connections, cable manufacturing, library definitions and a short Introduction into Mechatronics.
(This is important for users, who want to start with cabling, but don't know how to start)

Approaches for the optimization of design processes in terms of cabling.

General cabling and harnessing consultings.

Unlimited number of Websessions on the Internet.
Unlimited telephone hotline.

Unlimited time bombed demo licenses.

Adjustment of manufacturing drawings of cabling.



Cabling Onsite Workshop

It is suited for users, who would like to have a practical workshop at their own site to discuss the problems and receive a first hand technical assistance for Creo Elements/Direct Cabling.

The needs of different cabling areas (e.g automotive, electronics, machinery etc) can vary from each other, thus can have different requirements.

Besides the general aspects of  Creo Elements/Direct Cabling, these special requirements can be covered in this workshop, based on customer examples.

Product Name: Cabling Onsite Workshop

Product Number: M386C

Support Duration: 1-5 days (depending on the user needs)

Price: please contact us at

Tools: Workshop materials

Content: Customer can select any topics of  Creo Elements/Direct Cabling or can wish a general Cabling workshop from us.


Cabling Post-Sales Support Package

This post-sales support package is suited for existing Creo Elements/Direct Cabling customers, who are interested for regular technical assistance for solving the daily problems.

Product Name: Cabling Post-Sales Support package

Product Number: M387C

Price: please contact us at

Tools:  Websessions with our Colloboration software + Telephone

Support Duration: 1 year (could be prolonged subsequently)


All  Cabling related topics.

Unlimited number of Websessions on the Internet.
Unlimited telephone hotline.


Electrical Components Creation

It is a pure modeling service for preparing Electrical components for using with Creo Elements/Direct Cabling or with any other CAD system

Product Name: "Cabling" Electrical Components creation 

Product Number: M388C

Price: please contact us at 


Modeling of components

Adding of manufacturer informations

Attachment of snap-in Informations

Creation of BMP files for menu

Creation of CCF File


Cabling Trainings

we offer two different types of Cabling trainings, for beginners and advanced users.

Product Name: Creo Elements/Direct Cabling Introduction

Product Number: M905T

Intro Training 2 days

- Cabling terminology
- Manual Routing
- Flat cables
- Creation and Management of library parts
- ECAD Interface
- Introduction to Cabling manufacturing (Nailboard)
- Many exercises 

Product Name: Creo Elements/Direct Cabling Advanced

Product Number: M906T

Advanced Training 2 days

- Auto Routing
- Units and Groups
- BOM and PDM Integration
- Automatic Calculations
- Customizations of Cabling Manufacturing drawings
- Many exercises 

Price: please contact us at